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Love Is Simple

Friday 4 May 2012

tgk barbie

aq dop tgk cter barbie nie,, sonok ugk tgk barbie skali skale. mmg barbie nie ade skmo stiap hri sbtu. biase larr girl kn tgkla cter yg girly2 ckit.. kih3.. alarr,, bkn slalu dpt tgk.. try laa tgk barbie nie.. baek tgk barbie nie pd cter korea.. aq xtw laa nper yg aq bnci sgt korea.. jgn mrh ep org yg mnat korea tu.. mnyampah pom ade aq tgk korea nih,, bkn ape, aq skit tlinge dh dop dgr korea ni kt skull.. dlm shari tu, xsah klu xcter sal korea.. ape yg sdap sgt korea tu ep? aq prnh tgk cter korea tp skali jer. lpas pd tu aq xtgk dh. baek korang tgk bola pd korea. aq tgk laki2 korea smue mker cam pompuan,, ptih sgt.. gli plak aq tgk.. ape yg pzti, bola lg sdap pd korea.. buwekkkkk!!! boikot korea...

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